BYC Organization

Founded in 2012 by Darcy Morrissey as Bellevue Girlchoir. Soon Bellevue Boychoir was added to the organization and in 2016 Washington State approved the application for non-profit status under the name Bellevue Youth Choirs.
Bellevue Youth Choirs is comprised of a variety of choir levels serving youth in PreK through 12th grade. Choristers learn musicianship, vocal technique, performance skills, and participate in mainstage concerts, outreach and community events, and collaborations with the finest musicians and choral groups.

Current Board Members

Bill Brueggemann
President & Treasurer
Allison George
Vice President & Secretary
Victoria Li
Anna McLeod
Kimberly Hernandez

Join our board

Explore the role description here and reach out to Bellevue Youth Choirs to learn more.

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Admin Staff

Kayla Johnson
Artistic Director, Executive Director Lyrica & Cantare Choir Director
Nathan Shiu
Lead Pianist, Administrative Support
Fred McIlroy
Front Desk, Tuesdays & Administrative Support
Suseela Makineni
Front Desk Support Wednesdays

Thank you

We greatly appreciate the generosity of our sponsors
HKM Employment Attorneys LLP
4 Culture
City of Bellevue
Community Accelerator Logo
National Endowment for the Arts
This program is supported, in part, by a Sustained Support grant from 4Culture, the Community Accelerator Grant funded by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, and a City of Bellevue Arts Partnership. We are a proud member of the Greater Seattle Choral Consortium, Bellevue Chamber of Commerce, and Downtown Bellevue Association.
Community sponsors include Amazon, Crossroads Mall, HKM Employment Attorneys, and Zenbusiness.